Jim Ashley-WalkerAccounting Specialist

    Why work in workforce development?

    It’s really important that there are avenues for people to learn new skills and find new opportunities in our lives. Personal and structural barriers can be hard to shift and not everyone is aware of how many resources there are to help. Workforce development ties together so many good things, from material assistance to education and apprenticeships to employer support to legislative action.

    Outside of work, how are you involved in the community?

    I’ve lived in this great region for two decades and done a lot with organizations working on transportation and houselessness. We are nothing if not a strong community that looks out for each other.

    What do you like to do for fun or what hobbies do you have?

    I get out into the woods to hike and cycle and camp whenever I can. I like to grow berries and pick berries and eat berries. I also enjoy building things, fixing things, taking them apart to see how they work. Mostly this is houses and bicycles.

    Get in touch!

    Email Jim | 360.567.3182

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