Clean Energy
A new focus area for WSW, Clean Energy is about clean, renewable and sustainable energy sources like wind, solar and hydropower. Clean energy building- and construction-related careers are projected to grow as we install infrastructure that makes electric- or hydrogen-powered vehicles a reliable and viable option for moving people and goods, create buildings that use renewable energy, and retrofit existing homes and businesses.

A recent analysis conducted by WSW and its Columbia-Willamette Workforce Collaborative (CWWC) partners shows more than 193,150 occupations supporting Clean Energy-related businesses. In addition, our region has a 1.3 employment concentration in Clean Energy jobs meaning we have more than the national average of these occupations.

Clean Energy jobs and construction go hand-in-hand with many occupations overlapping in the two sectors.
WSW is in the early stages of developing partnerships and programming to support the development of this sector and the creation of Quality Jobs in the region. Information will be added as it becomes available.
To learn more about Clean Energy resources and opportunities, contact Darcy Hoffman, Director of Business Services.
Email Darcy or call at 360.608.4949.