Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan for 2021-2024 focuses on creating an equitable economic recovery by supporting business growth and recovery and economic mobility.

Created with input from business, education, staff, and community, the plan lays out three overarching goals and specific objectives WSW will work to accomplish in the next three years.

Click here to view and download WSW’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan.


Lead a regional workforce development system where every individual has access to high-quality employment and every business has access to a highly-skilled workforce


A region where economic prosperity and growth exists for every person


  • Equity: Promoting justice, impartiality and fairness within processes, and the distribution of resources by institutions or systems
  • Diversity: Collectively interweaving differences and similarities that include, for example, individual and organizational characteristics, values, beliefs, experiences, background, preferences and behaviors
  • Inclusion: Building a multicultural workforce climate where every community member can safely share their voice and be heard
  • Innovation: Introducing new ideas, methods or products to make changes
  • Collaboration: Working jointly with our customers, community and colleagues to achieve our shared goals
  • Impact: Positively influencing and affecting our community

Note: click the goals to see accomplishments and how WSW is progressing


  1. Lead the development and expansion of high-quality jobs across our region
  2. Develop a regional pool of diverse, qualified workers, matching them to our business partners’ in-demand hiring needs
  3. Engage business partnerships to inform the workforce system of emerging hiring trends, to address skill and opportunity shortages, and prepare future workers
  4. Invest in and provide support for businesses to develop pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, on-the-job training, incumbent worker training, internships, and other earn-and-learn models


  1. Percentage of WSW business partners who adopt one or more quality jobs metrics
  2. Number of employment placements from our regional pre-qualified pool of highly-skilled workers
  3. Number of on-the-job trainings (OJTs), incumbent worker trainings (IWTs), paid and unpaid internships and work experiences, pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships
  4. Amount invested in on-the-job trainings (OJTs), incumbent worker trainings(IWTs), paid and unpaid internships and work experiences, pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships
  5. Number of new businesses, by sector, that WSW engages with and supports


  1. Develop and implement programs that holistically serve families and communities
  2. Expand virtual career coaching and job training
  3. Expand Next strategy for talent development into rural communities
  4. Develop and sustain population-specific programs
  5. Develop and implement programmatic evaluation strategy


  1. Number of Priority Populations as defined by WIOA and WSW receiving workforce services
  2. Percentage of people served who enter post-secondary education
  3. Percentage of people served placed into pre-qualified highly-skilled worker pool for employment
  4. Percentage of families receiving childcare and other supports necessary to return work
  5. Percentage of people served from all programs who advance into high-quality employment
  6. Number of program evaluations completed


  1. Develop and implement a method to actively involve community-based organizations to provide input, to improve access, and to initiate continuous improvement
  2. Expand effective relationships across organizations and government systems to break down barriers, increase access and improve outcomes
  3. Advocate for investments, policies, strategies and economic development goals that enhance community prosperity
  4. Communicate WSW’s impact, lessons learned, promising practices and labor market information


  1. Engagement and overall satisfaction for organization via annual survey and focus groups
  2. Business partner satisfaction survey
  3. Number of industry and/or funder co-investments in workforce development
  4. Increased statewide, local and non-WIOA funding development
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