Federal Funding Disclosure

The Stevens Amendment is a federal law found in P.L. 115-141, Division H, Title V, Section 505 that requires funding information to be included on all projects or programs using federal funds. It is intended to provide transparency for taxpayers and ensure federally funded research and work are properly credited.

This web page lists how Workforce Southwest Washington (WSW) uses federal grant money to fund its work.

Economic Security for All (EcSA)

WSW’s PY24 EcSA program is supported by $166,469 (5.3% of total) U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration federal funding and (94.7% of total) State funds distributed by Washington State Employment Security Department: $796,467 State Economic Security for All program funding and $2,174,077 Department of Commerce’s Community Reinvestment funding. 

Future Leaders Project (FLP)

The PY24 Future Leaders is supported by $188,295 (65% of total) U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration federal funding and $105,049 (35% of total) non-federal funding from J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation. 

Opioid National Dislocated Worker Grant (NDWG)

WSW’s PY24 Opioid NDWG program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. $727,832 (100% of total) is financed by Federal funds. 


WSW’s PY24 SummerWorks program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. $808,505 (100% of total) is financed by Federal funds. 

Washington Jobs Initiative (WJI)

WSW’s PY24 WJI program is supported by a Washington State Department Commerce/ Economic Development Administration American Recovery Plan award. $581,633 (100% of total) is financed by Federal funds. 

WIOA Title I Adult/DW and One-Stop Operator

WSW’s PY24 WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker program and One Stop Operator are supported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. $2,774,183 (100% of total) is financed by Federal funds. 

WIOA Title I Youth

WSW’s PY24 WIOA Youth program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. $1,453,166 (100% of total) is financed by Federal funds. 

Funding Disclosure Template

What form should the acknowledgement statement take?

The general structure should take this form:
The [project/ program] is supported by the [federal agency]. A total of $[amount], or [percentage] percent of [project/program] [is/ will be] financed by [funding period, i.e. PY23] allocation of Federal funds, and $[amount], or [percentage] percent [is/will be] funded by other sources.  

For example:
This Wagner-Peyser Program bid solicitation is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. A total of $361,633 (90%) is financed by PY23 allocation of Federal funds, and $40,181 (10%) funded from non-governmental sources.

Alternatively (assuming no non-governmental funding):
This Wagner-Peyser Program bid solicitation is fully funded by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration is financed by a PY23 allocation of Federal funds totaling $361,633 (100%).

Multiple Sources Example:
The State of Washington’s PY24 veteran employment program is federally funded with $8,000,000 (80 percent). Additionally, 20 percent ($2,000,000) is financed by non-federal sources. 

Grantee Requirements

All award recipients must acknowledge federal funding in documents that communicate funding, such as press releases, requests for proposals, bid invitations, and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or part with federal funds. This includes funding from the Department of Labor and the Department of Education.

Documents that communicate funding may include:

  • Award Announcements
  • Bid Solicitations
  • Marketing materials (PowerPoints announcing funding)
  • Press Releases (communicating funding, announcing a new activity or program with funding)
  • Social media content
  • Website content

Documents requiring the funding disclosure must include language that follows the Funding Disclosure Template provided above.

For additional information, refer to WSW’s Stevens Amendment Requirements Policy #2011

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