What was your first job? How did you get it or learn about it?
My first job was working in the kitchen of a senior living apartment complex. I got the job through a summer youth employment program (similar to WSW’s SummerWorks). After the summer ended, the company hired me to work for them part-time after school and on weekends. I worked there through high school and while getting my Associate degree before I start my first full-time job. It was a great experience and I highly recommend every young person have a part-time job while going to school. It gave me such a sense of achievement and security knowing I could earn a wage and support my family, if needed.
What do you like most about living in Southwest Washington?
There’s so much to like about living in Southwest Washington! I enjoy the temperate climate – we have the best weather – usually not too hot for too long and winters largely without snow. I grew up on the East Coast and don’t miss the snowy, icy and cold winters. And I’m part Irish, so the rain doesn’t bother me at all!
What do you like to do for fun or what hobbies do you have?
Over the past four years I’ve developed a mindfulness/meditation practice and spend time every morning sitting quietly with the Insight Timer app. It’s the first thing I do each day, after my first cup of coffee! It centers me and gives me a sense of calm, gratitude and positive feelings about the possibilities the day will bring. I also enjoy growing vegetables, spending time with friends, walking the local trails and reading.
Get in touch!
Email Julia | 360.567.3176