Alyssa JoynerSenior Project Manager - Manufacturing

What was your first job? How did you get it or learn about it?

My first job was being a Quartermaster in the US Navy.  My grandfather was in the Navy and since I didn’t know what I wanted to do or had any experience with my HS guidance councilor about college, I guess I followed in his footsteps.  I’m so glad I did too! It made me way more confident and shaped me into who I am today.

What is the best part of your job or the thing you enjoy the most?

I enjoy the WSW crew the most! All good people and we all get along and actually like each other.  I also love all the collaboration and being able to connect with employers and helping people get into good jobs.

How do you relax?

I am very family oriented. Spending time with family helps me relax (not always, but most of the time ?).  Whether it’s family dinners, BBQ’s, movie nights, or just hanging out.  Being around family keeps me grounded.

Get in touch!

Email Alyssa | 360.567.1076

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