Our Mission
Lead a regional workforce development system where every individual has access to high-quality employment
and every business has access to a highly-skilled workforce.
We invest in training for adults and youth to provide people the skills to get jobs or advance in their careers.
Learn MoreWe concentrate on advancing the manufacturing, construction and healthcare industries because we know that in our region, these industries are where the jobs are now and will be in the future.
Learn MoreWe invest in companies so they can recruit, train and retain good employees, contributing to business growth and success. Because when businesses prosper, so does our community.
Learn MoreWe’ve invested more than $134 million to improve the quality of the region’s workforce and support the growth of area businesses, since our founding in 2002.
Learn MoreOur Impact
We’re proud of the impact we’ve made in the 2022-2023 program year, knowing there is always more to do.

$0+ mil
invested in training and career services for youth and adults

services provided to individuals to help them improve their skills, find jobs or advance careers

invested in training for existing and new employees to support business growth and sustainability
Our Strategy
We’re building a world-class workforce development system and bridging the gap between business needs and worker skills while contributing to regional economic health and prosperity.
Lack of economic mobility for far too many families with low- and middle-income continues to challenge our community.

News & Insights

Workforce Southwest Washington Partners
The workforce system includes partners from various industries.
- Local and regional economic development agencies
- Chambers of commerce
- Business and industry associations
- Federal, state, county and city agencies
- Organized labor
- Community colleges, universities and K-12 school districts
- Career and technical education providers
- Nonprofit and community-based organizations
- Other Washington State workforce development boards
Workforce Southwest Washington Partners
The workforce system includes partners from various industries.
- Local and regional economic development agencies
- Chambers of commerce
- Business and industry associations
- Federal, state, county and city agencies
- Organized labor
- Community colleges, universities & K-12 school districts
- Career and technical education providers
- Nonprofit and community-based organizations
- Other Washington State workforce development boards

We Serve
Clark County
Cowlitz County
Wahkiakum County
Workforce Southwest Washington oversees the workforce system for Clark, Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum counties. Since 2003, we’ve invested more than $134 million to get people working and businesses growing in Southwest Washington.
We Serve
Clark County
Cowlitz County
Wahkiakum County
Workforce Southwest Washington oversees the workforce system for Clark, Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum counties. Since 2003, we’ve invested more than $134 million to get people working in Southwest Washington.
Get In Touch
Want to build a community of workers who can support the growth of your business? We bring together business, education, government and economic development partners.